What to see in London ?

To help you decide how to spend your time in London we have put together a number of itineraries to get you started.

Where you stay in London is most important - the Kensington Guest House is situated in Holland Park which is one of the nicest areas of London. Located two doors down from the Holland Park Tube Station we are minutes away from many of the main attractions that London boasts. Contact us by clicking here

All you have to do now is decided what you want to do !

There are hundreds of places to go and see in London many of the places I suggest could take you a whole day depending on your interest. When going to strange city we often ask "what shall I see and do there? what are the best places to visit?" In London the answer to these questions is as varied as the number of visitors London attracts.

Day 1

Check in to Nottinghill Guest House at 1200 hrs

Go to Holland Park Station and buy a 1 Day Travel Card

Take bus 94 travel on top deck - See Notting Hill, Kensington Gardens including the playground that was built for children from the proceeds of Princess Dianas collection watch out for the fountains as you reach the end of the park.

Hyde Park is on the same side and continues seamlessly as the bus drives along Bayswater Road

Watch for Speakers Corner at the end of the park

Now you enter the Congestion Zone where normal cars have to pay to enter the area.

Hold on tight as you are driven along Oxford Street nearly 2 miles of some of the most famous shops in the world Selfridges, DH Evans, HMV, John Lewis etc etc etc

Now we turn right into Regent Street passing Hamleys the largest Toy store in the world

Get off at the end of this road Now you are in Piccadilly Circus statue of Eros walk along to Leicester Square and look for a bucket shop where you can buy cheap tickets for the theatre.

Just round the corner you will find Foyles the largest book shop in the world on Charing Cross Road.

If you are interested spend 30 minutes browsing in China Town find this by cutting through from Leicester Square Direct to Foyles

Now walk back along Charing Cross Road passing National Portrait Gallery and St Martins in the Fields church maybe pop down to the crypt for a bite to eat or a cup of tea or coffee.

Now enjoy the splendour of Trafalgar Square and possibly pop into the National Art Gallery. Don't be long there is lots more to do!

Now a leisurely stroll through St James Park along the Mall to Buckingham Palace listen top the echoes of the Royal Carriage which has been pulled by trusted horses on numerous state occasions. Or perhaps the echoes of our ancestors rejoicing as they celebrated the end of World War 2.

Now a wander through I am sure the most beautiful park in the world see the flowers and the royal swans as they grace the lake and the wildlife and how about those flowers ?

Before you know it you will be in Westminster I challenge you not to stand in awe at the beauty of the architecture see Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Bridge, London Eye.

Now how about a quick trip to Covent Garden go on splash out on a famous London taxi. When you arrive see the street entertainers and enjoy your meal but don't loiter as you rush to take your seats at the theatre you brought the tickets for.

Now for a tube back to Holland Park and bed "To sleep to sleep perchance to dream"

Arise to a full English Breakfast.

Day 2

Catch the morning sunshine but briefly as you pop next door to the station buy a one day travel card

Take the Tube to Tower Hill Station (change at Liverpool Street Station)

As you leave find the Tower of London a fantastic Castle you cant dare visit London and not enter this fortress of London mounted high up it stands overlooking its charge (London) roam around inside or take a tour I know you will be impressed. Ask the Beefeater why they have Ravens.

The Wonder has only just begun as you leave stroll around the perimeter wall to Tower Bridge (The bridge that opens to let the big ships sail in)

See if you can spot the battle ship sleeping quietly in readiness.

Now for a ride on the Tube again back to St Pauls Station you really must see St Pauls Cathedral inside as well ask for the whispering Gallery.

Maybe a stroll along to the Old Bailey ? you can get in to see a case if you wish you will be astounded at the traditions in the court.

Now walk along to Chancery Lane Station spot the tudor buildings on the way.

Make for Tottenham Court Road Station then a walk along Oxford Street and shop and shop and shop till you drop (make sure you buy a packet of tissues each ).

Then alas your magic carpet to leave our fair city but before you go phone us to book your room for your return trip (I know you will be back soon)

Then as you relax and rest in your chauffeur driven Train / coach or plane use up the tissues to wipe your eyes as you leave the most wonderful city in the world.

Day 3

After waking and eating breakfast. Take a bus 94 or 148 to second stop then take the sight seeing tour buy a ticket for 24 hours this bus takes you around London to al the sights it will allow you to get on and off the bus when you like you just need to return to the same stop and continue your adventure of discovery. There are 3 routes round London they interlink and your ticket can be used on any of them. This will give you the freedom to let your curiosity lead you for the day.

Day 4

Decide what your interests are I have tried to mention a sample of the museums in London on our own website Try the London Dungeon a history of London before the great fire of London or the Museum Of London a history of London from Roman times and before British Museum. You could spend a week here!

Day 5

Try a trip to Richmond take a walk around the village square and all the quaint shops stroll along to the river if you catch the tide correctly try hiring a rowing boat on the Thames. Walk along the towpath (where the oxen used to walk along pulling the barges along the river) or take the boat to Kew Gardens and discover what are probably the most famous gardens in the world and incidentally just named as a site of Global importance similar to Taj Mahal etc etc.

Day 6

A short walk around the corner from us will find you in Portobello Road The most famous Antique Market in the world.

Jump on a bus to Camden Market it is a flea market something for everyone.

In the evening no rest, Take the 148 bus to the end of Regent street walk through to Trafalgar Square then a stroll along Whitehall to Westminster (yes I know you have been there before but when you see it at night it is like a fairy tale having taken in the sights on this side of the river take a stroll along the river and see the views of London at night.

Walk now back to Westminster Abbey and through St James Park see how they have lit the trees then a walk past Buckingham Palace to Hyde Park Corner and along to Harrods to see the Christmas card lights. Then along by Hyde Park to see the Royal Albert Hall at night.

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